Twisted II Studio, Feardemic

Co-Development, Prototyping, Game Testing, Bug Fixing

PC, Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One

Psychological-Cosmic Horror
Dark Fracture is a psychological horror experience in which you explore an ever-changing world where reality and nightmares collide. Walk on the edge of madness in the shoes of a tormented soul as you descend into the darkest depths of the human psyche, and question everything you see.
Taking place in the late '90s, set in an isolated forested region in the rural USA. You are put in the shoes of Edward: a body farm employee who is pained by his past, and only finding solace in the medicine that helps him get through the day. Edward is barely able to cope with his personal issues, which are only intensified by him living in solitude. He puts on a brave front and dutifully wakes up for work every day. His routine serves as his only anchor, but deep inside, trouble is simmering...
Midnight Forge joined the games production mid-way into development. Our cooperation with Twisted II Studio has consisted of active development, constant gameplay consulting and development support and meetings to discuss the tasks of the week, the pipeline of the project and the deadline expectations.
We have been working with Twisted II Studio for over a year and have contributed to a number of mechanics and systems present in Dark Fracture, whether as fixes, changes or new additions. These include but are not limited to:
- Gameplay Interaction Systems
- New Types of Enemies
- Animation Integration Into Development
- Improving on Existing AI
- Code Review and Evaluations
- Gameplay Testing, Bug Reports Followed by Bug Fixing
As the game is not yet released, specific details around features and other work have been omitted to respect the clients wishes and our confidentiality agreement.